
Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I started listening to this band The Features.  Its a 3 1/2 hr drive to Richmond on Friday, I should have plenty of time to listen to their new album and make an assessment.  Check em out if you are interested.  They are a little Jack White, Black Keys, Killers and Lady Gaga.....

One time I went on a road trip to the Gunks with my buddy, we listened to a Daft Punk album on repeat for 4hrs (dont ask me which one they sound pretty similar after 4hrs on repeat).  I heard Daft Punk in my dreams for at least 3 days after the experience and to this day I can no longer hear the song Around the World without getting goose pimples.. not the kind of goose pimples you get when you are happy or excited.  Just typing the words Around the World made me puke a small amount.  Here is to your own musical savoir-faire.

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